Showing posts with label Dispatch management system. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dispatch management system. Show all posts

How to Improve Fulfillment Center Efficiency in Los Angeles?

This is the opportune time for eCommerce business as it is experiencing a boom time. Fulfillment centers in Los Angeles help eCommerce businesses by fulfilling burgeoning B2B and B2C business demands. Whenever businesses grow, these fulfillment centers react nimbly and help the businesses to scale up. The role of these centers is very important as if it can be more efficient, it can surely help in maximizing customer satisfaction. Here are a few ways through which the efficiency of fulfillment centers can be increased.

Planning with Accurate Data

To increase the efficiency of fulfillment centers, it is very important to know and understand the historical performance by each line item and make use of this data to identify hourly, daily, and weekly spend. These KPIs help in making well-informed decisions about order fulfillment and process path flow.

Pick Staffing

Another consideration is pick staffing, where it is important to understand that what goes in must come out. Thus, it is important to measure the health of pack queue in work minutes available with half an hour as the lower control limit and one hour as the upper control limit. This takes care of factors like unplanned labor moves. This also reduces efficiency drain.

Output Increase

Production paces lower when efficiency is lost. Thus, the need of the hour is to look for ways to ensure output increase. It can be done by adding labor hours, faster processing, and increases daily working hours. Fast processing is easier said than done. It is very mismanaged and complex, but it is possible with shift planning and execution.

Forecast Accuracy

Capacity failures and inefficiencies is possible due to significant work variability. Thus, it is important to plan for the upper and lower limit of the forecast. Use high-end software that takes care of various functions like fleet tracking, inventory levels, and more.


Xpdel: A market leader for Fulfillment and delivery services

Xpdel is one of the leading Fulfillment and Delivery consultants in the state. At Xpdel we take care of every process involved in the fulfilment and delivery operations right from Advance stock and serial Fleet tracking capability, Automate SOP according to your business standards to On time delivery.  As a Industry Leader for Fulfillment and Delivery of Products, we are known for We are known for providing great service at the right cost. We do this using our unique methodology, lean processes, actionable metrics, customized technology and strong leadership and these are the things that set us apart. With 11 strategically located fulfillment centers in the US with nationwide reach, we provide Live visibility of your inventory managed in multiple fulfillment centers, Real time tracking of every order, your complete fulfillment process, Easy to scale capacity with your growth, and Technology powered solutions.

To ensure that your products reach the customers on time, everytime, we use our technologically advanced Dispatch management systemThis is a single source of truth which helps in aligning orders and inventory across multiple channels. You can easily find all the order and shipping related information at one place. It intelligently routes order to fulfillment centers according to proximity and inventory ensuring speed of delivery. We help you to maintain your business standards by offering excellent customer experience. We provide 2 day delivery service nation-wide and same day delivery in major markets.

Also Our fulfillment centers and warehouses are technologically powered, including the Warehouse in New York. Our proprietary warehouse management system, Fulfillment Execution Platform (FEP) manages the end to end operations including receiving, stowing, picking, kitting, packing, shipping, returns, and tracking. You do not have to worry about anything except focusing on expanding your business into the leading organization of the market. Engage with us today!


Advantages of Using Fulfillment Centers in Chicago

Many of us are confused about warehouses and if we still need fulfillment centers. Here we bring you some pertinent benefits that fulfillment centers in Chicago brings to the online sellers.


·       Managing physical space is not an ideal solution for a sellers’ unless they are brick and mortar retailers. It is for this reason many eCommerce businesses look to eliminate inventory storage and dealing with eCommerce warehousing. A fulfillment center helps the online sellers by handling their increasing order volume. Using these services leave more time with the retailers to grow their business instead of worrying about post office lines and packing supplies.

·        Using the services of fulfillment centers in New York, retailers can focus on the bigger picture. There is no doubt that packing boxes with right orders and shipping them to the customers is an integral element to meet high-end consumer expectations. It is better to outsource this task and ensure its proper management. eCommerce store managers and entrepreneurs already have a long list of to-dos cut out for them. Thus, it is all the more important that they stay focused on tasks that they have to do and rest they outsource to reliable companies.

·        Instead of trying to handle every part of the business, it is always better to leave some tasks for the experts and focus more on marketing. The experts can handle everything from outbound to inbound logistics, inventory management, and order processing.

·        Fulfillment centers takes care of countless orders, ships them out regularly with no scope for any error, and more. All these activities make them a strategic partner for upcoming eCommerce businesses.

·        They make use of high-end software like dispatch management system that helps them to streamline their services and ensure accurate and error-free operations. eCommerce services and companies can focus on expanding their business.



Top Must-Have Features of WMS Software

WMS or the Warehouse Management Software is a technology that is fast becoming a reliable way to automate warehouse movements. This technology is largely used by manufacturers and distributors to keep a track on inventory and take immediate decisions depending on the status of inventory. When investing in a high-end WMS Software, here are a few important features that must be available in the software for higher performance and efficient functioning.


Every warehouse and fulfillment centers in LosAngeles take care of inbound and outbound operations, it need to have a WMS platform that are able to handle this step of warehouse operations with utmost efficiency. Right from Put away management, receiving, advanced shipping notifications to packing and picking, shipping scheduling, and value-added services, it takes care of all.

Fulfillment Management

Another must-have feature in a WMS Software is order optimization and fulfillment management. This feature must help in controlling product flow and enhance order management. It must have a reorder feature that allow the users to automatically order for products that they routinely re-supply.


The tracking feature is also a must-have feature in WMS Software. Real-time tracking helps in viewing inventory levels and help in maintaining inventory accordingly. The software also has an embedded dispatch management system that helps in streamlining dispatch related functions.

KPI analysis

The analysis of data help in filtering data and highlighting areas where there is a lot of scope for improvement. These warehouse tools help in identification of the issues faced in warehouse operations so that warehouse managers can pay attention to the same and solve the issue. Availability of high-quality data at hand help decision makers take quick and accurate decisions to ensure optimal operational efficiency of the warehouse.

When investing in a WMS Software, it is essential to check the availability of all these features for better performance.

Advanced Technology Delivery and Fulfillment services at Xpdel

Xpdel is one of the most renowned service provider of Fulfilment and Delivery services in the nation. We, at Xpdel offer the best services at the right cost. With strategically located 11 fulfillment centers across the nation including Fulfillment centers in Chicago , we offer the fastest delivery service nationwide. We also provide Live visibility of your inventory managed in multiple fulfillment centers, Real-time tracking of every order your complete fulfillment process, and same-day delivery in major markets. With greater 98% on-time delivery and 99% CSAT score,  and customer support, we ensure your organization meets the highest customer service standards at a reduced cost. We take care of End-to-end tracking and visibility of your operations in real-time, using our technology built for modern eCommerce.

All our fulfillment centers including Fulfillment centers in New York are technologically powered with advanced systems and tools that help in managing the business process effectively and efficiently. The fulfillment centers are managed by Advance stock and serial tracking capability, Full visibility of your order and inventory in real-time, Accurate and fast Pick-n-Pack, Automate SOP according to your business standards. All our fulfillment centers are equipped with food-grade systems. We take care of all the aspects of fulfillment and delivery while you just have to focus on finding opportunities to grow and excel in the field of business.

Through our Dispatch management system, we can easily find all the order and shipping related information in one place. It is a single source of truth that helps in aligning orders and inventory across multiple channels through two-way information flow. The dispatch management or the order management system intelligently routes to our fulfillment centers according to proximity and inventory ensuring speed of delivery. Engage with us today, to improvise your business process and achieve better results.



Delivery Services at Xpdel

Xpdel is a leading provider of fulfillment and delivery services with Fulfillment centers in Los Angeles and other major cities of the state. We, at Xpdel offers technology-powered services that help you improvise the business operations, meet customer demands, achieve better fill rates, and maintain high standards of customer services, and much more. We are known for providing great service at the right cost. This is possible through our unique methodology, lean processes, actionable metrics, customized technology, and strong leadership. With strategically located fulfillment centers in 11 major markets and partnerships with reputed courier companies, we offer 2-day delivery services nationwide and same-day delivery in some major cities.

All our fulfillment centers are technology powered with advanced systems and tools. We use the Fulfillment Execution Platform (FEP) instead of WMS software. The FEP makes it both agile and scalable to fulfill and deliver your orders. Through FEP we help you manage all the end to end operations including receiving, stowing, picking, kitting, packing, shipping, returns, and tracking. When you engage with us, you do not have to focus on anything except growing your business, everything else is taken care of by our experts. To give you an insight into the performance, we provide live Key Performance Indicator dashboards, alerts, and demand forecasting too.

Similar to our FEP, our Dispatch management system also helps in carrying out the business process effectively and efficiently. It helps in aligning orders and inventory across multiple channels through two-way information flow. It routes the order to fulfillment centers according to proximity and inventory ensuring the best speed of delivery. We ensure your products reach the right customers at the right time. Through these technologically advanced systems, we carry out the business processes effectively at a reduced cost. Engage with us today to take your business to the next level.

Technology Powered Fulfillment and Delivery Services at Xpdel

 Xpdel is one of the renowned service providers of fulfillment and delivery services with technology powered Fulfillment centers in Los Angeles and other parts of the nation. If you are looking for expert solutions and services to improve your business operations, we are the right and the best choice. At Xpdel, we offer 11 fulfillment centers in the US with nationwide reach, Live visibility of your inventory managed in multiple fulfillment centers, Real-time tracking of every order, your complete fulfillment process, and much more. All our fulfillment centers are strategically located in 11 major markets and are owned and managed by our team of experts. You can trust us and engage with us to improvise your business and find opportunities to grow.

Our proprietary technology models such as the Dispatch management system help in carrying out the fulfillment and delivery process effectively and efficiently. It intelligently routes the order to fulfillment centers according to proximity and inventory ensuring speed of delivery. We are known for providing great service at the right cost. We do this using our unique methodology, lean processes, actionable metrics, customized technology, and strong leadership, hence you do not have to worry about anything. We ensure your business operations are carried out smoothly while you focus on finding opportunities to grow and excel.

Talking about the warehouses, all our warehouses have food grade systems and are managed using advanced technology systems like our Fulfillment execution platform instead of traditional WMS software. The FEP manages the end to end operations including receiving, stowing, picking, kitting, packing, shipping, returns, and tracking. Additionally, we also provide live KPI dashboards, customized reporting, exception alerts, and forecasting through the FEP. Engage with us today, to improvise your business operations and let us take your business to the next level.

How Using the Dispatch Management System Streamlines Operations?

Dispatch is one of the functions that lies at the intersection of field service management and customer experience. Suffice is to say that it is one of the most demanding field service jobs. This function uses both the equipment and customer needs with the field workers to meet evolving customer requirements. The function includes a range of services like repairs, installations, maintenance and more in home health care, deliveries, equipment maintenance, insurance claim accessors and more fields. Using a dispatch management system following functions can be streamlined.

Increase Dispatch Efficiency

Using the system help to streamline operations and increase dispatch efficiency. It is always recommended to go for a connected software solution to get real-time data. This can help in handling customer experience and field service challenge effectively and efficiently. The system also comes with scalability to scale as the company grows.

Automatic Scheduling

Many fulfillment centers in Chicago use the system that uses job data, availability, skill sets, location data, work histories, and scheduling policies as inputs. It helps the dispatch managers to make optimal use of automation-based specific business processes and objectives to create schedules.

Automate Decisions

Another benefit of using dispatch management solution is making decision making process automatic. The actions taken are consistent with business optimization goals and rules. In case of any conflict with current parameters or guidelines, the system gives a warning about the conflict detected.

Quick Response

With dispatch management software used by the fulfillmentcenters in New York the dispatchers are able to respond quickly to any changes. This help in reducing delays in the job. It also helps in bringing a marked improvement in the service levels.

Route Optimization

This feature help in building realistic routes. The street level routing and patterns break down travel segments resulting into precise scheduling.

These features in the system make the dispatch job less challenging.


Advanced Delivery and Fulfillment Services at Xpdel

Xpdel is a renowned Industry Leader for Fulfillment and Delivery Services with nationwide coverage for 2-Day Delivery. With Fulfillment centers in Chicago and other parts of the nation, and Integration with national and local carriers, we ensure your products reach your customers on time every time. We provide Live visibility of your inventory managed in multiple fulfillment centers, Real-time tracking of every order, your complete fulfillment process as well as add more to your bottom line. As a Leader in Direct to Consumer (D2C) Fulfillment and Delivery we ensure greater than 98% on-time delivery and 99% CSAT score with round the clock customer support. Our team of professionals manages our inventories effectively so that you can focus on the growth of your business.

All our fulfillment centers including the Fulfillment centers in New York are technologically powered with advanced tools and systems such as our Fulfillment execution platform (FEP), Logistics Execution Platform (LEP), and the Order Management system. These help us in carrying out your business operations smoothly and ensure 100% efficiency and effectiveness. We take care of everything from picking, packing, shipping, delivering to tracking your products. We also ensure your success by providing live KPI tracking and data driven intelligence. We provide live metrics and tracking so you can see our performance and how your customers are being served.

To maintain high standards of customer experience, we use our Dispatch management system which can easily find all the order and shipping related information in one place.  It is a single source of truth that helps in aligning orders and inventory across multiple channels through two-way information flow. It also intelligently routes an order to fulfillment centers according to proximity and inventory. We are a one-stop solution for all your business needs. Engage with us today!

Xpdel: A leading Direct to Consumer (D2C) Fulfillment and Delivery services provider

Xpdel is a leading fulfillment and delivery service provider of the nation. At Xpdel, we offer the best technologically powered fulfillment and delivery services at the best prices. With Fulfillment centers in Los Angeles and other parts of the nation, we offer nationwide coverage for 2-Day Delivery along with live visibility of the inventory managed in all, and real-time tracking of every order. Strategically located 11 fulfillment centers, partnerships with reputed national carriers, and unique methodologies make it possible to ensure smooth business operations and excellent customer service. We ensure that our clients find new opportunities to excel and grow into leading businesses of the market. As a leader of Direct to Consumer (D2C) Fulfillment and Delivery, we provide greater than 98% on-time delivery, and 99% CSAT score with round the clock customer support.

All our warehouses including the Warehouse in Dallas, are Powered by our Industry Leading and Proprietary Technology Platforms such as the Fulfillment execution platform (FEP), Logistics execution platform (LEP), and Order Management system. With the help of live Key Performance Indicator (KPI) and data-driven intelligence, we provide accurate Visibility and Analytics. The live metrics and tracking help the clients to see our performance and how their customers are being served. We also provide our clients with their business insights that can help with demand forecasting, analysis of inventory, and shipping patterns.

Our Dispatch management system adapts to the clients’ ability to provide order information ranging from the latest APIs to basic files imports. It intelligently routes the order to fulfillment centers according to proximity and inventory ensuring speed of delivery. In some major markets, we also provide same-day delivery service too. We are well-known for providing great service at the right cost and this is only possible through our unique methodology, lean processes, actionable metrics, customized technology, and strong leadership.

How to Ace Dispatch Management System?

E-Commerce and other businesses have to largely depend on warehouses, transportation, and dispatch systems to ensure that the goods sold by them are dispatched and reaches end customers on time. The best way to ensure the same is investing in a high-end dispatch management system. These systems are designed to help in scheduling and routing processes. It ensures that deliveries are done efficiently, and routes are well-coordinated. Manual handling of this task is very time intensive and can also result in errors. Thus, it is important to look for a suitable dispatch management system that offers the following benefits.

Seamless Management of Transportation

The system you are planning to invest in must ensure seamless management of transportation and dispatches. The system must give you a complete control over this process. It must be easy to track status and locations using GPS. The interactive maps must be able to help managers to know where to dispatch their drivers. This will result in optimized routes, quick deliveries, and consistently high-quality services.

Capable to give Quick Response

 This system must ensure warehouse in Chicago is able to give quick response. When providing on road services, there are a lot of things that can go wrong at the last moment. To ensure that everything is running fine and smooth, use this system that can reduce the error to a minimum. The system provides real time data like status and location of the driver. This help in immediate information about the problem. It helps in making necessary adjustments that ensures maintaining optimal quality of services.

Flexibility in operations

With companies growing by leaps and bounds, it is important to ensure smooth dispatch services by fulfillment centers inChicago. Any error in these services can hamper the growth of the company. Using high-end systems ensure proper scheduling, dispatching, and deliveries of the goods. This system also allows in adjusting these components as per unique business needs.



 Xpdel is your perfect solution for a trusted fulfillment and dispatch management system. Short for Expedited, these delivery solutions are your answers for inventory and delivery systems. For small and medium enterprises, this not only means an opportunity for growth but also enables the capacity for growth too. By maintaining the inventory, you can add more to your bottom line and focus on other aspects of the business that need attention. Transparency is an outlook that is not overlooked in the growing economy. At Xpdel, we offer more technology-powered transparent solutions and services that allow live visibility of your inventory which otherwise would not have been possible.

 Being an industry leader, they have fulfillment centers in Chicago and all around the US with a nationwide reach and promise for 2-day delivery. They are strategically owned and located in 11 major metros and promise to expand to 20 by the end of 2020. The reason for such a spectacular growth is due to their working in the warehousing centers. Each aspect is handled with care and is automated for faster pick and pack and fewer mistakes. The advanced stock and serial tracking capability allow you to real-track the parcel from the time it left the center to the time it reaches the end customer.

 Warehouses in Chicago and other states have tie-ups with the local carriers along with the national ones some of them bring, UPS, FedEx, DHL, and many others. One of the USPs of Xpdel is that it has cold chained perishable shipment transportation capability making it one of the very few to do so. With accurate shipping processes and delivery to the last mile, you can assure yourself that the parcel is truly in good hands. For technology powered advance delivery and fulfillment service contact us today!

Dispatch and Inventory Management Service at Xpdel


At Xpdel we offer end-to-end fulfillment operations powered with advanced technology and art tools. We have fulfillment centers in Los Angeles and across the nation that provide assistance in carrying out the fulfillment, logistic operations and ensure speedy delivery at a reduced cost. We provide tracking and live visibility into the operations using our modern eCommerce tools. Our fulfillment centers have the facility of food grade storage and one day delivery in most of the markets. We handle all the aspects of fulfillment and technology and help our clients to grow and excel in the field of business.


To manage our inventories and fulfillment centers we use the Fulfilment Execution Platform (FEP) instead of the traditional WMS software. We provide automated SOP as per the business standard, full visibility into orders and inventories in real-time, advanced serial and stock tracking capability, accurate, quick pick up, and delivery facilities. We have nationwide reach i.e we cover 98% of the US and offer a 2-day delivery service everywhere. We practice simplified transparent pricing and high-quality customer service.


To track and deliver the right products to the end customers at the right time, we use our advanced Dispatch management system. This utilizes business rules to pick the most optimal and cost-efficient path for outbound and return orders. The advanced features like live tracking,. Proof of delivery, signature capture ensures effective dispatch and delivery service. We also provide real-time notification of shipments and return status via email, text, voice channels to offer excellent customer experience.

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