Showing posts with label warehouse management system. Show all posts
Showing posts with label warehouse management system. Show all posts

Technology Powered Fulfillment Service at Xpdel

Xpdel is one of the leading  Fulfillment and Delivery service providers for your Products. At Xpdel, we offer the best service at the right prices. With Fulfillment centers in Dallas and other parts of the nation, our time of delivery is reduced by 1-3 days and hence allows us to offer 2-day delivery across the nation and the same-day delivery in major cities. Our Fulfillment centers across the nation are technologically powered with advanced systems and tools. We provide Live visibility of your inventory managed in multiple fulfillment centers, Real time tracking of every order, your complete fulfillment process, Easy to scale capacity with your growth, and much more. If you are looking for expert assistance in delivering your products rightly to your customers and making the fulfillment process effective and efficient, we, Xpdel are the best choice.

To manage our fulfillment and warehouse centers, we use the Fulfillment Execution Platform (FEP) instead of a warehouse management system (WMS). Our proprietary management system, the FEP works effectively when compared to the traditional system i.e WMS. Fulfillment Execution Platform is a cloud-based platform that makes it both agile and scalable to fulfill and deliver your orders. Our FEPTM is designed to enable the execution of efficient fulfillment of orders. It also takes care of end to end processes involved including receiving, stowing, picking, kitting, packing, shipping, returns, and tracking. To help our clients run their business efficiently we offer live KPI dashboards, customized reporting, exception alerts, and forecasting.

To help our clients keep a track of goods moving out from our inventories to their customers and back, we also offer Fleet tracking. The other state of the art technological systems include the Order Management System and Logistics execution Platform which help in carrying out the other processes effectively and efficiently.

How fulfillment centers are helping in an optimized warehouse management system?

 Fulfillment centers are different from conventional distribution centers. The former is used extensively by e-commerce companies to help them fulfill orders for their end customers; while the latter is meant for distribution to retail centers. For small-scale businesses, the growth of fulfillment centers has helped them save their operational costs, mostly logistics. One of the core areas is the warehouse management system. How?

Stock out, mispicks, misships, and damaged products are four issues that constantly bother online sellers, causing them to lose clients and brand value. All of these are related to mismanagement of inventory, shipping, and deliveries. The good thing is that with the help of outsourced fulfillment centers, e-commerce merchants can overcome all of these issues. There are typically two ways of working here – one, the online merchant receives items from the manufacturer, reviews them, and sends them to the fulfillment center; and second, the items are directly sent to the warehouse in New York or any other suitable location, as per the location base of customers.  


For an e-commerce company based in the US, the essence of working with the right fulfillment center in New York is manifold. There is definite cost saving in not having an owned warehouse or physical space to store the products. Inventory management becomes easier, shipping and deliveries become smoother. The headache of managing the logistics part of online selling from one endpoint to another is outsourced. This helps online merchants to focus on their key areas of expertise.


Another advantage in outsourcing lies in the fact related to returns. Returned products go back to the fulfillment center and not the online seller. Also, with volume shipping orders, fulfillment centers can negotiate better rates with shippers; as a result, online sellers go ahead and offer free or discounted shipping charges to customers.

Tips to Increase The Efficiency of your Warehouse in New York

Running a warehouse is nothing short of challenging. With a lot of things coming and moving out, it creates a major logistical task. To ensure efficient working of your warehouse in New York, here are a few tips that should be followed. Summon your planning skills, skill managing abilities, and foresight to ensure that the warehouse runs efficiently. These tips will surely help in this regard.

Schedule Regular Counts and Upkeep

Although you must already be focusing on scheduling regular counts and upkeep, it is important to keep an eye on any damage or discrepancies in counting. Cycle counting is one of the partial count techniques that makes it easier and accurate when keeping a count of inventories. It is also important to keep a tab on high-risk and high-value stock.

Layout Optimization

With a mushroom growth of fulfillment centers in New York, it is increasingly becoming important to pay attention to the optimization of layout. Make the best use of every square footage in the warehouse or fulfillment center. Check the flow of products’ flow from the warehouse floor. If ceiling clearance is available, one can go vertical. Ask in professionals to help make the maximum utilization of space so that work efficiency also increases.

Use a WMS or a Warehouse Management System

It is important to invest in a good Warehouse Management System that helps in figuring out how to enhance the efficiency of the warehouse. It helps in managing internal logistics, floor layout, analyze demand, current stocks, facilitate inter-facility communications and more. The benefits of this system are amazing and far reaching helping in making warehouse operations smoother and faster.

These tips shall help you in manage your warehouse in a much better way. A professionally managed warehouse is more efficient which is a big boost for the business. 

Technology powered Fulfillment services at Xpdel


Xpdel is one of the leading fulfillment and delivery service providers in the nation. At Xpdel we offer nationwide coverage for 2-day delivery. With Fulfillment centers in New York, and 10 others in different locations in the US and nationwide coverage, we offer same-day delivery in most of the major markets.  We are a renowned provider of fulfillment and delivery services, known for providing advanced and excellent service at the right cost. With the help of our unique methodology, lean processes, actionable metrics, customized technology, and strong leadership, we strive to provide the best service. We handle all the ended to end operations from managing fulfillment centers, picking and packing, shipping, and delivering to the end customers.


All our warehouses including the Warehouse in new york, are technologically powered with advanced tools and systems. We provide live visibility into the operations, real-time tracking of every order, order management systems, fulfillment execution platform, and logistics execution platform to help our clients manage the operations effectively, and find opportunities to grow. To ensure our clients succeed, we also provide live key performance indicator tracking and data-driven intelligence. The live metrics and tracking provided will help our clients to see how their customers are being served. Along with live metrics, we provide business insights that help the clients deal with demand forecasting, shipping patterns, and analysis of inventories.


We utilize advanced technology to manage warehouses, inventories, and other operations. Hence instead of the traditional warehouse management system, we utilize the Fulfillment execution Platform (FEP). The FEP is a cloud-based platform that makes it both agile and scalable to fulfill and deliver the orders. It also manages the end to end operations including receiving, stowing, picking, kitting, packing, shipping, returns, and tracking. Engage with us today, to improvise your fulfillment and delivery services at the right prices.

Advanced Technological Fulfillment and Delivery Services at Xpdel


Xpdel is a leading fulfillment and delivery service provider with Fulfillment centers in New York and 11 other Major metros of the nation.  At Xpdel we handle end to end operations of the fulfillment process that includes, providing fulfillment centers, handling order fulfillment, and shipping service. With tracking and visibility into operations in real-time, using our advanced technology, we help eCommerce business to find opportunities to grow and excel. The fulfillment centers are managed by our team of professionals to ensure fast and reliable order picking and fill rates. Through our partnership with the national and local carriers, we provide 2-day fast delivery services across the nation. 


Our Warehouse in New York and other parts of the nation are all technologically powered with advanced systems and tools. To help eCommerce business to grow and become the leading business, we offer advanced stock and serial tracking capability, full visibility into orders and inventories in real-time, accurate and fast pick and pack, and automate SOP according to the clients’ business standards. Our warehouses are equipped with a food-grade storage facility and offer same-day delivery in most of the major markets of the nation. To offer the best customer experience, we also provide real-time notification on order status to the customers.


To manage the aspects of the warehouse, we use the Fulfillment Execution Platform (FEP) instead of the traditional warehouse management system. The FEP makes it both agile and scalable to fulfill and deliver orders. It manages the end to end operations including receiving, stowing, picking, kitting, packing, shipping, returns, and tracking. We provide Key Performance Indicator dashboards, customized reports, accurate forecasts, and exception alerts to help the businesses work efficiently. Engage with us today to improvise all the aspects of your fulfillment and delivery services and grow into the leading eCommerce business of the nation.

Tech-based fulfillment centers of Xpdel


Xpdel is one of the renowned fulfillment centers and logistic consultants in the nation. With numerous warehouse and fulfillment centers in 11 markets, Xpdel offers the best technology-based solutions and services. We own warehouses in Los Angeles and other parts of the nation too. The multiple fulfillment centers help to reduce the transit by one to three days and hence ensures the fastest delivery at a reduced cost. We also provide same-day delivery of products in almost every major market. We at Xpdel provide food grain storage facilities at our fulfillment centers. We ensure that our clients receive the best logistic and warehouse service at a simplified price.


We utilize advanced technology systems such as fulfillment execution platforms (FEP) and logistic execution platforms (LPE) instead of the traditional warehouse management system. These technologies make use of artificial intelligence to provide real-time visibility into the processes. With live dashboards, customized reports, exception alerts, and accurate forecasting, we help our clients to run their business efficiently. The fulfillment execution platform is designed in such a way that the fulfillment of orders is executed efficiently all the time.


Just like our Fulfillment centers in Los Angeles, all other centers are equipped with technology-based systems. The advanced FEP and LEP implemented in the fulfillment centers and logistics manage all kinds of operations such as receiving orders, stowing, picking, packing, shopping, managing returns, and tracking the shipments. The systems also prude real-time notifications of shipment through SMS, emails, text, and voice channels. We ensure 100% transparency and effectiveness of the operations carried out to help our clients to grow their business.

Fulfillment centers and technology services of Xpdel


Xpdel is one of the leading fulfillment management and logistics companies in the nation. We own a number of warehouse and Fulfillment centers in Dallas and other parts of the nation. At Xpdel, we take care of the entire fulfillment process including accurate, speed pickup, and delivery. With multiples fulfillment centers across the nation and in 11 markets, we reduce the transit by 1 to 3 days. We utilize advanced technology to provide stock and serial tracking capability, full visibility of orders and inventory in real-time, automated SOP as per the client’s business standards.


All our warehouses including the Warehouse in Chicago are technologically advanced with artificial intelligence systems. We ensure that the customers receive real-time notification about the shipment of their products. Our order management system helps in aligning the orders and inventories across multiple channels. This allows the clients to easily find the order and ship the right product in one place. The order management system also routes the orders to fulfillment centers according to proximity and inventory availability.


We use a powerful Fulfillment Execution Platform(FEP) instead of a warehouse management system to enable the execution of efficient fulfillment of orders. The FEP managed end to end operations from receiving, stowing, picking, kitting, packing to shipping, returning and tracking. Our live dashboards provide real-time visibility into the orders and inventories. We also provide actionable insights through demand forecasting, deep analysis of the status of inventory trends. With our demand forecasting tools, we ensure less wastage and on-time delivery. In most markets, we offer same-day delivery too.


Technology-based warehouse and fulfillment management at Xpdel


Xpdel is one of the leading delivery and fulfillment companies of the nation. With a number of warehouses and fulfillment centers in more than 10 markets, we offer the best technological solutions to all your warehouse and fulfillment requirements. We prefer a fulfillment execution platform instead of a warehouse management system to provide live visibility into the processes and order status. We believe continuous process improvement and live visibility will add value to every step of the process. We make a significant investment on real-time technologies to implement advanced methods of fulfillment and warehouse automation.


Our analytics team provides business insights and helps the companies to design and implement new methodologies as per the requirements and market trends. For all our warehouses, including the warehouse in Chicago, we use technologies like an order management system (OMS), Logistics execution platform (LEP), and Fulfillment Execution Platform (FEP). These advanced technological systems make use of machine learning and business rules to provide optimal shipment path and methods.


Similarly, for our fulfillment centers in Dallas, we have a team of analytics and tech-based systems that ensure smooth operations. The fulfillment execution platform helps in indicating storage and maintaining different inventory levels. This results in significant cost reduction and a smooth flow of the right products. We assist the companies in delivering the right products to the customers at the right time. We ensure that high service standards are maintained throughout the process. With different platforms for fulfillment, training, inventory management, and logistics we help the companies to identify opportunities to scale up and become a leading business in the market.

Technology-driven fulfillment centers and delivery solutions of Xpdel


We at Xpdel offer the most advanced fulfillment and delivery solutions in the state. With the help of the latest, real-time technologies we provide modern solutions through our unique methodologies, actionable metrics, customized technology, and lean process. To help eCommerce businesses in fulfilling business to business and business to customer needs, we provide Fulfillment centers in Los Angeles and in other parts of the nation. Currently, we own fulfillment centers in 10 markets and are on the verge of scaling up to 20 by the end of this year. All of these fulfillment centers are integrated with delivery platforms, real-time integrations, inventory analytics to provide streamline processes and effective solutions.


With platforms for the fulfillment, inventory management, logistics, and training, we aim at improvising the operations of our client and provide them clear and live visibility into the processes. We utilize advanced technology to enhance the steps involved Right from the entry of orders to fulfillment and delivery of the product to end customers. Instead of utilizing the warehouse management system, we make use of a fulfillment execution platform that manages different levels of the inventory and ensures a smooth flow of products. At Xpdel we mainly focus on providing high-quality services at a reduced cost so that most companies can benefit from the help of our modern technology-based service and solutions.


Our warehouse in Los Angeles and other parts of the nation have platforms that are driven by latest technologies like machine learning, real-time dashboards, etc. This helps the clients to monitor the order flow and inventory closely. Additionally, our team also helps with business analytics which helps the companies to level up and match the market trends.


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