Showing posts with label WMS software. Show all posts
Showing posts with label WMS software. Show all posts

Choosing the Right WMS Software

Choosing the right WMS Software solution can help a company bring about a remarkable improvement in order fulfillment, automating data collection, and boost inventory visibility. If you are planning to invest in a WMS Software, here are a few factors that you need to consider ensuring optimized warehouse operation.

Calculate ROI

It is very important to justify your investment into a good WMS Software. This can be done by setting up a budget and concentrating on functional must-haves when selecting suppliers. The areas that need their attention is accuracy, providing real-time information, and taking care of perpetual inventory counting.

Increased Productivity

This is the second area that needs attention of the buyers. They need to ensure that the software they are planning to invest in can help them increase productivity. They also need to check if they can enjoy cost savings through improved equipment, labor, and space utilization.

Improved Traceability

The WMS Software must also provide improved traceability. This help to keep a tab on operations and ensure that everything goes on without glitches. Improved warehouse control, customer service, and improved pick and dispatch accuracy also help give a boost to the business.

Fleet Tracking

In many WMS Software solutions, fleet tracking feature is also available that help keep a tab on fleet movement, come up with efficient routes, and ensure the deliveries are on time.

eCommerce businesses not only rely on warehouses but also fulfillment centers in LosAngeles. This ensure accurate order fulfillment and a close eye on inventory levels. Outsourcing these services leave entrepreneurs with enough time to focus on the growth of their business. They can come up marketing strategies and plans that takes their business places.

Software solutions help in this endeavor and make the business more successful and stronger, standing apart from the competitors.


Xpdel: Your expert of Fulfillment and Delivery Service

As a renowned market leader for Fulfillment and Delivery of Products, we, at Xpdel offer the best service at the right cost. With strategically located Fulfillment centers in Los Angeles, and other major parts of the nation. We take care of the end to end process of fulfillment and delivery. By partnering with the reputed Courier brands and 11 fulfillment centers across the nation, we offer fast delivery i.e 2-day delivery nationwide. In some major cities, we also offer same-day delivery. To grow into the leading business of the market, maintaining high standards of customer experience and effective working of the Fulfillment process is a must. At, Xpdel we ensure your fulfillment and delivery operations are carried out with ease and effectively.

All our fulfillment centers are managed by our experts using proprietary software systems. Fulfillment Execution Platform (FEP) is our Fulfillment management software used instead of the traditional WMS software. FEP cloud based platform which makes it both agile and scalable to fulfill and deliver your orders.  It is designed to enable the execution of efficient fulfillment of orders and it goes well beyond WMS. From receiving, stowing, picking, kitting, packing, shipping, returns, to tracking everything can be managed through FEP. We also provide live KPI dashboards, customized reporting, exception alerts, and forecasting to help you run your business more efficiently.

Through our live KPI dashboards, visibility and analytics, we offer Fleet tracking, proof of delivery and signature capture, Access to performance data like order success rate, inventory decay, etc to ensure less wastage and more on-time delivery. While your important business processes are taken care of by our experts, all you need to do is focus on finding opportunities to grow. Engage with us today to make your business the leading business of the market.


Top Must-Have Features of WMS Software

WMS or the Warehouse Management Software is a technology that is fast becoming a reliable way to automate warehouse movements. This technology is largely used by manufacturers and distributors to keep a track on inventory and take immediate decisions depending on the status of inventory. When investing in a high-end WMS Software, here are a few important features that must be available in the software for higher performance and efficient functioning.


Every warehouse and fulfillment centers in LosAngeles take care of inbound and outbound operations, it need to have a WMS platform that are able to handle this step of warehouse operations with utmost efficiency. Right from Put away management, receiving, advanced shipping notifications to packing and picking, shipping scheduling, and value-added services, it takes care of all.

Fulfillment Management

Another must-have feature in a WMS Software is order optimization and fulfillment management. This feature must help in controlling product flow and enhance order management. It must have a reorder feature that allow the users to automatically order for products that they routinely re-supply.


The tracking feature is also a must-have feature in WMS Software. Real-time tracking helps in viewing inventory levels and help in maintaining inventory accordingly. The software also has an embedded dispatch management system that helps in streamlining dispatch related functions.

KPI analysis

The analysis of data help in filtering data and highlighting areas where there is a lot of scope for improvement. These warehouse tools help in identification of the issues faced in warehouse operations so that warehouse managers can pay attention to the same and solve the issue. Availability of high-quality data at hand help decision makers take quick and accurate decisions to ensure optimal operational efficiency of the warehouse.

When investing in a WMS Software, it is essential to check the availability of all these features for better performance.

Delivery Services at Xpdel

Xpdel is a leading provider of fulfillment and delivery services with Fulfillment centers in Los Angeles and other major cities of the state. We, at Xpdel offers technology-powered services that help you improvise the business operations, meet customer demands, achieve better fill rates, and maintain high standards of customer services, and much more. We are known for providing great service at the right cost. This is possible through our unique methodology, lean processes, actionable metrics, customized technology, and strong leadership. With strategically located fulfillment centers in 11 major markets and partnerships with reputed courier companies, we offer 2-day delivery services nationwide and same-day delivery in some major cities.

All our fulfillment centers are technology powered with advanced systems and tools. We use the Fulfillment Execution Platform (FEP) instead of WMS software. The FEP makes it both agile and scalable to fulfill and deliver your orders. Through FEP we help you manage all the end to end operations including receiving, stowing, picking, kitting, packing, shipping, returns, and tracking. When you engage with us, you do not have to focus on anything except growing your business, everything else is taken care of by our experts. To give you an insight into the performance, we provide live Key Performance Indicator dashboards, alerts, and demand forecasting too.

Similar to our FEP, our Dispatch management system also helps in carrying out the business process effectively and efficiently. It helps in aligning orders and inventory across multiple channels through two-way information flow. It routes the order to fulfillment centers according to proximity and inventory ensuring the best speed of delivery. We ensure your products reach the right customers at the right time. Through these technologically advanced systems, we carry out the business processes effectively at a reduced cost. Engage with us today to take your business to the next level.

Technology Powered Fulfillment and Delivery Services at Xpdel

 Xpdel is one of the renowned service providers of fulfillment and delivery services with technology powered Fulfillment centers in Los Angeles and other parts of the nation. If you are looking for expert solutions and services to improve your business operations, we are the right and the best choice. At Xpdel, we offer 11 fulfillment centers in the US with nationwide reach, Live visibility of your inventory managed in multiple fulfillment centers, Real-time tracking of every order, your complete fulfillment process, and much more. All our fulfillment centers are strategically located in 11 major markets and are owned and managed by our team of experts. You can trust us and engage with us to improvise your business and find opportunities to grow.

Our proprietary technology models such as the Dispatch management system help in carrying out the fulfillment and delivery process effectively and efficiently. It intelligently routes the order to fulfillment centers according to proximity and inventory ensuring speed of delivery. We are known for providing great service at the right cost. We do this using our unique methodology, lean processes, actionable metrics, customized technology, and strong leadership, hence you do not have to worry about anything. We ensure your business operations are carried out smoothly while you focus on finding opportunities to grow and excel.

Talking about the warehouses, all our warehouses have food grade systems and are managed using advanced technology systems like our Fulfillment execution platform instead of traditional WMS software. The FEP manages the end to end operations including receiving, stowing, picking, kitting, packing, shipping, returns, and tracking. Additionally, we also provide live KPI dashboards, customized reporting, exception alerts, and forecasting through the FEP. Engage with us today, to improvise your business operations and let us take your business to the next level.

WMS Software- An Integral Part of the Enterprise Software

Warehouse Management Software, also referred to as the WMS software is one of the major aspects on an enterprise software. The software aims at handling unique distribution niches like supply chain management, inventory management, and transportation management. When planning to invest in a high-end software, look for an option that precisely meets system functional requirements. It must come packed with features that makes it a perfect support to ensure flawless warehouse management and operations. 

Here are the features and operations that must be in a WMS Software.

Outbound and Inbound Operations

The WMS Platform used by fulfillment centers in LosAngeles must take care of inbound and outbound operations. The key features of the platform must include-

  •         Putaway Management
  •         Receiving/Inbound Operations
  •         Shipping Scheduling
  •         Value-Added Services
  •         Advanced Shipping Notifications
  •         Product Lifecycle Management

Order and Fulfillment Management

Order optimization and fulfillment is one of the key processes in every warehouse. The software used for warehouse management must have necessary features that enhances order management function. The software must have key features, like-

  •         Compliance and Regulation Management
  •         Artificial Intelligence and Automation
  •         Order Management
  •         Carrier Networking
  •         Inventory Management Tools
  •         Automatic Re-ordering

Tracking and Analysis

Real-time tracking of goods can help ensure timely deliveries and flawless order fulfillment. It also helps in maintaining inventory. The tool must also help analyze various functions to identify areas for improvement. The software must have features taking care of the following functions.

How Fleet Tracking Works?

Fleet Management is one of the integral functions of supply and logistics field. This job can become more streamlined and easier using high-end, technology-driven fleet tracking systems. Here are how these systems work.

Location technology is used in fleet tracking which collects data from automatic vehicle location devices helping to zero-in on its whereabouts. Primarily, two major vehicle tracking systems are in use. GLONASS AND GPS.

GLONASS- It is a satellite navigation system. This system is technologically advanced and is operated by Aerospace Defence Forces of Russia. Considered as an alternative to GPS, this navigational system has worldwide coverage and works with high precision.

GPS- GPS or the Global Positioning System is another, globally used satellite-based navigation system. It collects time and location information. It can gather information irrespective of weather conditions as it is space satellite-based system. This information can be collected from any place in the world provided it is in direct sight line to at least four Global Positioning Satellites.

Besides the above two, there are many systems that uses a blend of GLONASS and GPS technologies. It helps in ensuring using more satellites giving them perfect connection.

Besides using fleet tracking solutions, the fulfillment centers in Los Angeles make use of many other solutions that help them streamline their operations and make them more efficient.

It is possible to run faster with greater efficiency using the software. Ideally, it must provide the following features.

  •         Mobile Deployment for easy and quick access.
  •         Seamless Integration with ERP Software.
  •         Optimal Resource Use leading to cost reduction.
  •         Smoother and faster outbound and inbound flow of inventory.
  •         Paperless inventory transfer process.

All these features are available in a high-end WMS Software. Check out several options, see if they have relevant features and can help the process smore streamlined before investing in it. The use of these software solutions will make operations smoother and quicker.

Dispatch and Inventory Management Service at Xpdel


At Xpdel we offer end-to-end fulfillment operations powered with advanced technology and art tools. We have fulfillment centers in Los Angeles and across the nation that provide assistance in carrying out the fulfillment, logistic operations and ensure speedy delivery at a reduced cost. We provide tracking and live visibility into the operations using our modern eCommerce tools. Our fulfillment centers have the facility of food grade storage and one day delivery in most of the markets. We handle all the aspects of fulfillment and technology and help our clients to grow and excel in the field of business.


To manage our inventories and fulfillment centers we use the Fulfilment Execution Platform (FEP) instead of the traditional WMS software. We provide automated SOP as per the business standard, full visibility into orders and inventories in real-time, advanced serial and stock tracking capability, accurate, quick pick up, and delivery facilities. We have nationwide reach i.e we cover 98% of the US and offer a 2-day delivery service everywhere. We practice simplified transparent pricing and high-quality customer service.


To track and deliver the right products to the end customers at the right time, we use our advanced Dispatch management system. This utilizes business rules to pick the most optimal and cost-efficient path for outbound and return orders. The advanced features like live tracking,. Proof of delivery, signature capture ensures effective dispatch and delivery service. We also provide real-time notification of shipments and return status via email, text, voice channels to offer excellent customer experience.

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