Why Does the Location of The Fulfillment Centers Important?

With the rise of e-commerce and the rapidly changing economy, terms like fulfillment centers and order management have become a part of the common vocabulary. Fulfillment companies essentially offer storage, transportation, and delivery services to all brands with an online shopping portal. Their importance in the field of successful order fulfillment is of significant nature. And the most important aspect of these warehouse and storage units is their location. In fact, the whereabouts of a fulfillment center can become a primary source of growth for the business houses they cater to.

Fulfillment companies

Read on to find out what makes the location of a warehousing and fulfillment center so crucial.

Transportation: Shifting the goods from the major manufacturing unit to the storage space and their delivery to the recipient’s address requires a strong transportation network. If your fulfillment service is positioned far from the main transportation channel, there is a surge in the overall expenses. Besides, the farther it is from the nearest airport, railway junctions, and ports, the longer it will take to successfully complete the order delivery. 

Availability of the workforce: No job can be finished on time without an efficient workforce. Any fulfillment service requires a considerable number of helping hands when it comes to sorting, order picking, and related processes. If the distance between your fulfillment center and the main hub of labor is too great, the chances of creating a strong staff base and pooling labor become thinner. 

Costs and Expenses:
 Though the direct link is a little hard to find, the overall costs and expenses that you need to bear are closely related to the location of your distribution center. The estimated prices can increase massively if you do not take the location into consideration. Be it transportation or labor costs. The location affects the three most important aspects of setting up a fulfillment center.

The Role of Third-Party Logistics Providers in The Sphere of Online Order Completions:

In the present-day e-commerce scenario, there are certain terms that we often come across. Third party logistics providers are one such coinage that is integral to order fulfillment when it comes to online buying and selling. When you place an order, you know that the item will be delivered to the registered address by the time mentioned. But have you ever wondered where are goods stored or how they finally turn up at your doorstep without any delay? Well, if you are how 3pl management work or what role these thor-party outsourcing units play, read on to find out.

top fulfillment centers in India

The Role of Third-Party Logistics Providers in Order Fulfillment:

As mentioned earlier, these companies are actually very crucial to the success of any business that permits online transactions. Cost reduction and inventory optimization are the two most important tasks that these companies take care of. However, there is more than they do.

Effectively tackling a large number of orders: 3 pls are designed such that they are equipped to handle a sudden rise in the number of orders, irrespective of whether they are coming in for storage or being sent out for delivery. Third-party logistics management relates to the measures that the top fulfillment centers in India take to ensure that no business is lost simply because the number of orders was too overwhelming for the team to handle!

Order Picking: The finished items are first stored in the warehouses before being dispatched. The process of selecting the orders to be shipped is termed order picking. The method that is followed while doing this can either be discreetly selecting one order at a time or the orders can be picked in a bulk. The technique implemented depends on the order volume and the types of items being sold.

Storage:  One of the most important roles that a 3PL fulfillment company plays is in the storage aspect. Proper storing units are vital for keeping the finished goods safe and far from any sort of damage.

What Are the Criteria for The Best Location of Warehouse and Fulfillment Centers in the USA?

Fulfillment centers play a key role in the order completion process of online shopping. Usually, the major manufacturing unit is pretty far from the recipient's address. That is why warehousing and fullfillment USA actively participates in order picking, shipping, and delivery. The location of the fulfillment company should be such that it can effectively lower the costs incurred during transportation as well as the time taken by the final delivery. If you are wondering how to go about selecting a site for your fulfillment and storage unit, you should consider the following factors and make a smart decision. 

fullfillment USA

Rent and Payable Taxes: Renting a space large enough to accommodate large orders and storage units is not very common. The amount charged also varies from city to city. On the other hand, the tax rates are also heavily dependent on the state that you are in. Comparing the rents charged and the tax calculation is pretty effective during the selection period.

Proximity to airports, ports, roads, and railways: Since transportation of the finished goods is one of the top priorities of the fulfillment companies, how close your chosen location is to the airport or the main connecting roads is a crucial factor. If the warehouse unit is too far off from the major transport hubs, the expenses increase, which can lead to financial issues. 

Availability of Labor: You need a sizeable workforce to ensure that all the work gets done without a glitch. So, one of the chief criteria for choosing allocation is the availability of easy and cheap labor. While setting up a unit for warehousing and fulfillment USA, keep in mind that the easier it is to get a strong staff, the simpler the work gets. 

The Market: Lastly, areas with a higher population density are equivalent to a prosperous market. This means, before you take the final call, it is advised that you consider the customer base and choose a site that can offer you more in terms of business and finances!

Factors You Should Consider Before Selecting the Right Fulfillment Service for Your Company

With the advancement in technology, the internet is the biggest market today. And any company, whether a start-up or a veteran, knows the importance of eCommerce in the present era. That being said, there are certain aspects of ecommerce fulfillment that require expert supervision and control. Warehousing and storage of the finished products along with their shipment and delivery are some of the key roles that a fulfillment logistics company performs. These agencies are not directly related to the main brand or the manufacturers but are responsible for the smooth completion of any online order. There are a bunch of different organizations that provide the retailers with all-around fulfillment services which makes choosing the right partner a tricky task. So, before you select your logistics fulfillment company, ensure that you remember the following points.

Factors A Business Establishment Must Be Aware of Before selecting The Order Fulfillment Company:

There is no rule that works for all industries. The type of fulfillment services that benefits an online kid’s store might not work well for a clothing line. Therefore, considering some factors before taking the plunge is always a smart idea.

Order Volume: The order requirements of the fulfillment agencies vary and are a clear indicator of which business would suit the particular company best. For jewelry stores and brands selling designer watches, only a few items get sold every month. Thus, choosing a fulfillment service that sets the minimum limit on a quarterly or on a yearly basis is more suited for concerned order volume. On the other hand, virtual sites selling in bulk, like groceries or pharmaceutical companies are seen to function better with units that set a monthly order volume limit. 

Inventory Assortment:
An order gets picked either singly or in a bulk from the warehouse and this inventory management is a crucial factor. For the best results, one might optimize the order picking and choosing a logistic fulfillment service depending on the same.

Delivery and Return:
The delivery should be on time and there should be easy return policies that make the entire process of purchase smooth and grant maximum customer satisfaction. Your fulfillment service should also prioritize these facets.

The Three Stages That Are Integral to The Success of The Logistics Fulfillment Companies

Warehouse services essentially refer to the storage facilities where the manufactured goods are kept before being shipped off to the address where it is to be delivered. 3PL service providers in India provide this storage facility to the different brands and companies that are selling their products online. These third-party fulfillment services play a very crucial role in the process of order completion. There are several steps that must be followed while setting up the warehousing facilities that ecommerce fulfillment services India offer their clients. If you are interested in how this industry runs, read on to find out the different stages of setting up third-party warehouse and storage units. 

The Setting Up: The very first step a logistic fulfillment company takes is to set up the criteria for the particular unit in question. During the set-up period, the parent company gives a detailed report regarding the inventory, logistics, and the details of the business so the fulfillment unit can keep up with the flow of goods and merchandise that are coming in and going out for the final delivery. 

Manpower: Most such logistics and fulfillment units require a team of experts who are experienced in record keeping and documentation. A large number of the staff gets engaged with the receiving and the sending out of the goods. Their responsibilities include sorting, labeling, and dispatching the items to the correct address. Thus, the team-building stage is crucial for the success of the logistics fulfillment company

The Storage of The Goods: The third factor or phase of the third-party logistics companies in the actual storing unit. The right design and planning are vital for storing the goods such that no damage comes to them during this period. Depending on the necessity and the requirement, the storage units should have shelves, bins, trays, pallets, and any other form of installation required for keeping the goods safe. 

Where Can I Find the Best Fulfillment Centers in the USA?

 A rapid increase in e-commerce has led to an urgent need for fulfillment centers all across The United States of America. Since the USA is one of the leading nations in terms of commercial growth, there are several fulfillment centers here that cater to the different online brands and shopping sites. Some of the best fulfilment warehouse USA are nestled along the coastlines. This is because one of the primary responsibilities of any fulfillment and warehousing unit includes shipping, and the closer you are to the say, the simpler it gets. 

The top distribution centers pay special attention to the location of the storage centers as it directly affects transportation costs and other subsidiary activities. If you are wondering where the maximum number of the centers of fullfillment USA is located, here’s a list of the cities that you should look into. 

Atlanta: Atalanta houses the busiest airport on American soil. The proximity to the airport makes transportation cheaper and reduces the time taken to complete the delivery. Atlanta is also known for its fast-growing population, which makes up for a great market in this area. 

It is no surprise that Chicago features on this list. Located very close to Springfield, the capital of Illinois, Chicago has a booming population, making this city one of the biggest markets in the whole continent. The interstate railroads and well-maintained highways are great for safe and quick transportation of goods.

Los Angeles:
the long beach area in Los Angeles is the home to the second biggest metropolitan in the United States of America. That, and its proximity to the sea, makes Los Angeles perfect for Warehouses and fulfillment centers. 

Philadelphia is the home of some of the biggest industrial set-ups and is a place of work for many. The expanding economy also ensures a boom in business which is why Philadelphia is one of the most coveted cities in terms of fulfillment centers and warehouses. 

What are the advantages of reaching out to an eCommerce shipping company?

There are three major benefits of outsourcing consumer order fulfilment tasks to a 3PL e-commerce fulfilment company. A fulfilment company helps business to manage their inventories in the best way possible. 

Usually, the presence of an order fulfilment software that’s advanced and updated can help businesses to gain valuable insights via high-quality data. Ecommerce sellers can now access their inventory easily with the help of cloud-based technologies, real-time and accurate visibility features, custom reporting, batch optimization and tracking, and so on. 


An e-commerce shipping company helps to enhance the consumer experience with the help of better shipping options. Now, companies can rely on secured packaging options along with better order returns and tracking. 


Ultimately, it helps to improve consumer experiences. Businesses can dispatch goods to consumers in real-time and at low costs. It simplifies the return processes for consumers while equipping them with real-time delivery updates. 


Now, businesses can ship demanded products to consumers quickly- which helps to improve consumer satisfaction. 


As a result, businesses will have the time to focus on their expansion and growth. Businesses can now meet the demand for new products, promotional products, or even seasonal products. Ecommerce businesses can also facilitate international shipping. Wondering how to choose one of the best 3pl ecommerce fulfilment companies?


When choosing an ecommerce shipping company, you should consider the functions carried out by them. These companies are capable of carrying out fulfilment processes such as warehousing, inventory management, shipping, and so on. 


Some of the major functions carried out by an ecommerce fulfillment company are as follows:

  • Receiving and managing inventory
  • Generating lists of products that are to be picked up. These orders are picked up from an inventory storage house once an order is placed and received.
  • Assembling kits and items
  • Packing boxes
  • Labelling different shipments
  • Shipping products to the doorstep of consumers
  •  Handling and process return. 

3 Step Guide to Choosing the Right Third Party Logistics Provider for Your Company

Third party logistics providers play a huge role in the successful order management and delivery when it comes to eCommerce and online transactions. A supply chain incorporates different factors like packaging the manufactured items to prevent damages, warehousing and storing of the goods, and shipping them to the correct locations. All these aspects are integral to 3PL management and require special attention. Besides, every brand or company has some of their personal issues to take care of as well. In such a situation selecting the right 3rd party logistics service for handling the order fulfillment of your company requires special attention. Read on to find out the key points that you should consider before partnering up with 3pl and order fulfillment agencies.

Inhouse decisions: The very first step is to jot down your logistical requirements and be clear about what are your priorities and expectations. You must also outline which responsibilities you want the company to take up directly, rather than depending on the fulfillment agencies.

A special team:
It is better to have in-house experts work closely during and after the 3PL selection process. Having experts to help you out means that your team will ensure that all the prerequisites and necessities are fulfilled by the selected 3rd party logistics company. Rather than creating the team handling the supply chain after the partnership has been confirmed, having the members on the board from the get-go can yield better results.

Research and shortlisting:
Once you have your end set with a clear-cut objective and a functional team to take care of the same, the next step is to complete your research. Go through as many sources as possible to understand how your short-listed 3PL and order fulfillment centers work. Though it does not seem very practical, asking around in your close circles can be of huge help in this context. 

3 Processes That Are Closely Related to Inventory Management but Not quite the Same

If your profession is related to the present-day eCommerce scene, terms like inventory management, inventory optimization, and logistics management become a part and parcel of your daily life. A fulfillment logistics company offers different services like inventory and warehouse optimization, and order management. Though the terms might seem similar, they are drastically different in reality.  It is seen that people often confuse inventory management and handling with related processes that are equally significant but are not quite the same.  The eCommerce fulfillment procedures are pretty complicated and involve multiple factors. If you are interested in understanding the difference between inventory management and other related processes read on to find out. 

What are the processes linked to inventory management?

Managing the stocks, restocking the finished products, and their warehousing all come under inventory management. That being said, procedures like order management and supply chain management are equally important for completing the customer's orders. Some of the other closely linked processes include the following. 

Inventory Control: Inventory control is a part of the main inventory management process. It deals with moving the items and finished products stored inside the storage unit or the warehouse. 

Inventory Optimization:
Inventory optimization is one of the most crucial processes that go into managing the stocks and stored goods. This process deals with how efficiently and effectively the fulfillment services can manage the inventory in the first place. This helps in cutting down the costs and the expenses incurred along with more organized and methodological management.

Order Management:
Tracking the placed orders and marking out the stock the moment the supply vehicle reaches the warehouse is of paramount importance when it comes to fulfillment of the online orders placed by the customers. Fulfillment logistics companies spend the bulk of their resources on receiving and delivering the orders along with taking the help of the software systems for the same for the best results.

How Logistics Fulfillment Companies Can Help You as a customer:

Logistics fulfillment company play a very important role in the whole supply chain and the other aspects related closely to e-commerce at present. Logistics refers to all the proceedings that are linked with the transportation of the raw materials along with the finished goods and their storage, warehousing, shipping and even return. The seller cannot be present in every corner of the world where their products are being sold. That is why a bulk of the main work falls on these fulfillment logistics company as it becomes their responsibility to ensure that the customer is satisfied with the service. 

Fulfilment center India

What makes Logistics and Fulfillment Services Beneficial for the Customers?

The answer is simple. Fulfilment center India provide a variety of different services that makes the entire buying and selling a lot simpler from the get-go. These agencies are like an added help with their own team of professionals and experts who focus solely on the logistical aspect of the job. This leaves your main team to concentrate on the more relevant issues. Some of the most important services that make fulfillment logistics company so popular are as follows:

Choice of Delivery: Whether you need the order to be delivered today, tomorrow, or on a scheduled time is made possible by these service providers.

Ease of Return: In many cases, the customer would want to return the order due to various reasons. Most of the big names in this industry make it a point to pick up the item to be returned from the doorstep of the buyer themselves making it a lot easier for the customer. Ensuring A speedy and simple return process is an integral part of the fulfillment center’s job.

Order Tracking: You as the client can easily track your order and see the exact stage your order is at. This is an added advantage as when the customer knows all the tiny nitty-gritty of their order generation, it makes them feel relieved. 

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