The different techniques of order picking that the top fulfillment centers in India implement:

The very first step for any online buy is placing the order. Once the customer confirms the purchase, the order needs to get ‘Picked’ up from either the main manufacturing unit or from the warehouse as the situation permits. Now, it might appear like a simple procedure but really it is a complicated one. Top fulfillment centers in India Make order picking one of their most important and time taking functions.

Top fulfillment centers in India

This labor-intensive job makes up almost 60% of the entire warehousing of the ordered goods. 3rd party logistics companies ensure that the order-picking strategies that they implement are not only beneficial for the selling brand but also keep the customers satisfied and content. 

Order picking is not a simple task and there are different techniques for successfully picking up an order. Read on to find out the different methods 3PL solutions and fulfillment centers implement for the maximum benefit of both parties, the buyer as well as the seller. 

The Different Techniques of Order Picking:

There are three basic methods of picking up an order. However, practically speaking, chances are that for the most effective planning you need to combine multiple order picking techniques that are mentioned below.

  • Discrete Order Picking: The simplest method of taking up an order from the warehouse inventory is discrete picking. Here, a single item is procured in one go. While discrete picking makes the process transparent and tracking the order simple and straightforward, it demands more time and labor than bulk picking. 
  • Batch Order Picking: In many cases, the same order gets confirmed by different users and buyers at a particular instance. In such cases, the employee responsible for picking the order picks up an entire batch of finished products. This cuts down on traveling and transportation costs and saves time. However, the margin of error is greater in this context as there is larger bulk to be taken care of. 
  • Wave Order Picking: Wave picking is kind of similar to batch picking in the sense they both deal with a larger number of orders at the same time. Wave picking involves optimization of the orders so that their shipping and delivery are done based on the need and importance of the order rather than the sequence in which the orders were placed by the buyers. 


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