What are some of the exceptional services provided by third-party logistics companies in the USA?

Ecommerce sellers who are new to the world of online buying and selling are unaware of the roles carried out by fulfilment centers. It’s important for eCommerce business owners to understand the meaning of fulfilment centers, the roles carried out by them, and the benefits of hiring them.

A fulfilment service is fulfilled by a third-party logistics or 3PL provider or even a third party. Here, an eCommerce seller will outsource their responsibilities to a third party logistics provider. 


Once the service is outsourced to a 3PL service provider, the service provider will start to process the orders immediately. Whenever an order is placed via an eCommerce retailer’s online website, it is forwarded to the service provider. 


Next, the experts working in these centers will be responsible for carrying out activities like inventory management, storage, warehouse, packaging, and shipping. It helps eCommerce retailers to hand off major tasks to a third party.


As a result, retailers can focus on major business tasks related to marketing, product selection, increasing traffic to their website, and so on. 


While the terms warehouse center and fulfilment center are used interchangeably- the functions of the two facilities can differ from each other completely. A warehouse’s function is limited to inventory storage- however, the services of a fulfilment center are versatile. 


What are the functions of a fulfilment center?


Third party logistics companies in the USA are known for handling a number of duties:

  • Receiving inventory from the seller
  • Creating pick lists. Picking up products and inventory from storage facilities when orders are placed and received
  • Assembling necessary kits and items
  • Packing boxes
  • Labelling shipments
  • Shipping orders
  • Handling product returns

While the service cost of a 3pl service provider in USA can seem a bit expensive initially, it can yield lucrative outcomes and help eCommerce sellers to save their time, efforts, and money in the long run.

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